Thursday, November 11, 2010


Okay so it's not the news that we are leaving next week to get our children BUT God is MOVING!
There are going to be some changes being made to our blog. I am in the process of consolidating them all into one. I will use the new one to keep you all updated with our adoption and to let you know of other opportunities. I am in the process of starting a small business to help people get started with the process of adopting and fostering. It's expensive. Yes, even foster care costs but the benefits, help a family reunify or to become a parent through adoption...
So if you will hop on over to
Sign up to be a follower or simply leave a nice comment and I will enter your name to win a beautiful handmade necklace. Pictures to come soon. Promise.
Drawing next Friday the 19th.
Have a Blessed Day!

Friday, November 5, 2010

National Adoption Month-You Can help

Here is a great way to have some FREE fun!
Craft Fair at Messiah Lutheran. PLEASE COME! I will have my "upcycled" Magazine beads and other wonderful pieces to share with you! All proceeds from my sales go to paying for our recent adoption expenses.
Saturday, Nov 6th 9:00 am - 3:00 pm
In the church fellowship hall Lutheran World Relief Items and 21+ crafters

Hope to see you there!

National Adoption

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

And I am STILL waiting

Still Waiting. And Waiting and waiting and waiting. Who said I was good at this? Me? I changed my mind. Not good. So NOT good!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On again. Off again.

I am rejoicing with friends and grieving at the same time. How is this possible? I am grateful for what the Lord is doing in others lives. I have prayed for "such a time as this" For myself, I do not see the end/beginning so clearly.
I'll keep holding on---but honestly, today, I want to get off this roller coaster we call life and just be.
I am thankful to our Savior that doesn't leave me where I am but keeps pushing me. I am sure not pushing myself. These days are so full of longing...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Waiting used to be the hardest thing for me. Guess what? Not anymore. I am choosing to enjoy it and it's actually working!
While I am waiting in Knoxville Tenn. It's a great way to stay occupied and creative. I love to create something out of nothing.
I will give more details about the show later on but mark November 6th on your calendars. You won't want to miss it! Proceeds from my sales go to our children in Liberia.
I will be running specials for those of you who read my blog or who email me and say they can't make the show but want to place an order.
Better get back to creating!
Thanks for reading and please help us pray our children home!
God Bless YOU!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ending or Beginning?

Tough question, is this an "ending" or a "beginning"? Can you have one without the other? I am going to say no. Yesterday was our families new beginning. We are starting over from scratch. I don't know what to make of this past year. It had its challenges, heartaches, set-backs, losses. It also had its healing times and "light bulb moments"
We have done a lot of questioning. We have gotten a lot of answers. Some of the answers we do not like. Some questions we still don't know the answer to but hope and pray in faith that we will know soon. God is opening doors only He can. We walk through them following Him. Yes, we got off course for a little while----but we are back where we need to be, at least for now. We we will think about today. God will give us our daily manna.
Last night was our first dinner at home as a family of three now. It was so different, yet, very nice. Our daughter talked and laughed. She told us all about a particular discussion they had had at school that day. She talked. That's huge. She is a listener. A very good one. She has a gift and it isn't of gab. Some people just think she is shy or even stuck up. She isn't. She simply takes life in, thinks about it and moves on. I am thankful for her gift.
Better go. Dear daughter wants me to read to her...So fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All At Once (one more time)

Sorry if this is a repeat for some of you. It was supposed to go live last night at midnight. It ended up being posted as the second post down...So, I am re-posting it.Please continue to pray. My foster daughter called last night begging me to come and bring her "home" back to us. The word "pain" cannot begin to describe this feeling.
What is written below was written Saturday.

How can it be possible to be happy and sad, mournful, regretful, and full of hope all at one time? Emotions, I know they are a "gift" from God. Some would say don't trust them. Aren't we ONLY supposed to trust God? Yes. But didn't HE create me with these emotions. Yup! Having a very hard time right now but trying to have faith. I am afraid of the next thing. The next phase. I don't know what that is. I used to say "I always get what I want" Now I say "whatever will be will be"
Isn't that the truth?
It's getting down to the wire. Just the three of us. How can that be?
I guess I am feeling a little melancholy after watching "Toy Story Three" today with my four children and hubby. I was missing my "college boy" and remembering the Buzz Light Year and Woody he played and played with. He couldn't say "Buzz Light-year" when we went to the Disney parade when he was five. He saw "Buzz Light Year" and he started screaming: "Buzz Year Light" over and over again! I won't give the movie away. To say I cried through the whole thing would be lieing, I balled. Yah, the kind of gut wrenching sobs that only a mom can know...Oh How I Miss those days. They were hard but I would give my life to have one day back with Johnny and Rachel. Just the three of us. Together again, just one more time. To tuck my son in bed, pray with him. Hug and kiss him, tell him good-night. It is not to be. He's 19. It all goes too fast, We have two children waiting to come home to us. I pray with all my heart they will get to come home to be with us, their mom and dad. I know God put us in their life. I long to hold them, laugh and cry with them. Until then we will enjoy Rachel and the others in our life.
My two biological children and I just watched Adrian pull out of the driveway with our foster children. They are moving to a new home tonight. My heart is ripping, yet I know this is what was supposed to happen. I am trusting the Lord with ALL of this. He is so Kind and Faithful.
ps Funny how life is. I found my sons' Woody doll today as I was cleaning up my room. I dusted him off and now he has prominent place in my room.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Getting closer

I am so thankful for friends. Real ones. The kind that come out of the wood-work when your suffering not the ones who run away because it is too difficult to handle their problems and someone elses all at the same time. Yesterday I was ministered too by three lovely ladies at church---four if you count the brief moment a friend I haven't seen in a while hugged me. And maybe even 5 if you count the phone conversation last night. I am all too good at moping around and feeling sorry for myself. I am also very good at getting myself into situations where I am going to "save the world!" Oh yah, wait, that's God's job. Position Filled! So glad!
I don't like good-byes or "see ya laters" I am strugglin between being full of hope and scared to death over the next two days. My heart is heavy. But, when I sit quietly before the Lord I have peace. I know the path we are taking is the right one. We lost our way and God came down and turned on the flashlight. Hallelujah!

Until Wednesday (major update)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Just read our updated Home-Study. Who knows, maybe it will be put in the mail tomorrow?
Keep praying. God is so kind!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Plugging Away

Still plugging away at what God is leading us to do. It's hard, exciting, heartbreaking and peaceful---All of the above and then some. Please keep praying for us---for the children in our home and for the children that we want to come into our home.
Ami and Adrian

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Received confirmation today that our I600A is where it needs to be!
Keep praying our babies home!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Now we are waiting on the home-study to be mailed. It'll happen this week or next! Hooray! Come on U.S. Government!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

They have it!

USCIS has our paperwork. Now, all they need is our updated home-study. Come on! Come on!
Let's get that appointment for fingerprinting in Nashville.
Keep on a prayin!!!!!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

One more step closer

Last night we updated our home-study. Our I600A was sent off last week. Getting closer and full of faith for whatever it is the Lord has in mind.
Keep praying. God is moving...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

So Many Things

Why is it that so many things happen all at once? I mean, really? It's usually ALL or NOTHING here. Life sure is interesting with it's twists and turns, its ups and downs.
We try to serve the Lord in all we do. Right now God has miraculously opened some doors for us to go through. So once again we link arms and march forward. Monday night at 5:15 our home-study agent comes out to update our original home-study. Hard to believe that it will be two years next month that we started this process. Also hard to believe that just last June, a few short months ago we were told this would probably never happen. We were at peace with all of it. We came to terms with the way things were and accepted what the Lord had done...
So here we are thinking "Wow how things change so quickly!"
We serve an amazing God. So glad to be one of his children.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

and I am off...

Off to the Post Office to mail our I600A...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Yes. It is true. God moves pebbles and He moves mountains. Keep praying! Some things only happen because of prayer. Excited for what the next phase of our journey holds!
To God be the Glory!

Monday, September 20, 2010

One Pebble at a Time

Looks like we will be updating our home-study and I600-A etc. Is there a glimmer of hope? Yup, sure is. We are praying in faith our little ones will come home soon. Please pray with us as God continues to move mountains one pebble at a time. He is growing our faith. But, I'll be honest, I have grown weary in doing good---quite the opposite of what the Lord commands.
Pray, Pray, Pray...Miracles WILL happen!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Things aren't always what they seem

Behind the scenes we are who we really are. When we are out we take those masks and we put them on. Things aren't always what they seem are they? And endings aren't really endings, they are simply new beginnings.
Good-bye old life. Hello whatever's next!

letting go involves so much!

I had no idea that "Letting Go" would involve so much!
That's life on Planet Earth I guess! Oh how I long for Heaven!

Friday, May 14, 2010

Francesca Battistelli - I'm Letting Go

I love this song, especially the part about a "Comfort Zone" What Comfort zone? I am still looking for mine!
We are gonna LEAP together! Go God!

more about "Francesca Battistelli - I'm Letting Go", posted with vodpod

Thursday, May 13, 2010

We will ALL go together

These past few weeks have been heart wrenchingly difficult for me---for our whole family. We have all been really second guessing ourselves on whether or not I should go on the Liberia trip, really whether any of us should go. I am struggling with anger and do I dare say a root of bitterness? I have got to get that weed killer out on a daily basis!
This all started for me when we found out that our adoption probably isn't going to happen. It also complicated matters further when I realized that the three wonderful children we have in our care right now would have to go into another home for 12 days. One of these children does not do well with change. I have prayed, I have fasted, I have sought counsel. I have changed my mind a million times. It was settled a couple days ago (or so we thought)
I would stay behind to take care of the little ones and my husband and two bio. children would go to Liberia. Then it hit: relief, guilt, uncertainty--all of those pesky emotions I loathe so much! Truth be told, I would rather stay here in my "comfortable
abode and care for the children God has placed here temporarily than face what may be the MOST difficult situation of my life."
Unless you have been through it I don't really think you can understand. I love my Liberian children as much as my two biological children. Just because I have only been "paper pregnant" with them does not mean they were not placed in my heart and in my family. If you have ever adopted you know what I mean. My grief is very real and very raw. But, having said that, God providentially brought a "friend" across my path Tuesday night. She has adopted 20 plus children and was (is) in the process of adopting 5 more---all from Liberia. She is very involved with trying to help children there. I explained how I had just made the decision to back out of the trip etc and she took one look at me and said why? God has provided the tickets, you can't get a refund. Go with your family. Make a difference. Do what you know your supposed to do.
After we talked and talked it became clearer to me again. I am supposed to go.
So today I will dig my heels in and NOT let Satan win. He is trying to tear my marriage apart and my relationships with my children. He simply cannot have them. So I have ticked off the enemy, oh well! I know what Revelation says and I know who wins and I am on the WINNING side!
Angel warned us that all kinds of divisions would come between us as a team. I never imagined it would be in my own home. I know I know, I am slow sometimes. If satan can tear your foundation away from you he can take your faith. He isn't gettin mine today!
I had an instant peace and I saw the wash of relief come over my daughter's face when I told her I would go. My husband was relieved too. As one of the Case workers from Child Help said to me the other day: "the only constant in life is change" These foster children will be fine.
I am going to help a nation in need of help. We aren't going there because it's
"Africa" and oh how fun that will be! (sarcasm) We are going because our brothers and sisters are there and they need us. We are going to train them to help themselves NOT to enable a spirit of dependency. So Lord willing He will provide all of our needs according to His riches in Glory! After-all, Mother Theresa had nothing but herself to give and that, as meager an offering as it is is yours Lord, With ALL my heart it is yours!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Let us go together...

I posted this at my other blog but I felt like I needed to here as well. Sorry for the overlap. I hope it Blesses someone.
Yes. I would have loved to be able to worship the Lord in church yesterday with my fellow family in Christ, however: I felt like God called me out to serve. So I did. I know several people don't get that and feel the need to tell me. I know you are motivated by love and care for me. I do admit though, it makes me sad. I prayed, I danced, I worshiped. I experienced the filling of the Spirit and received fresh faith for the Journey. God is bigger than the four walls of the church. I am however looking forward to worshiping with my family in the church building next Sunday.
I was blessed anew last night as I was reading Charles Spurgeon's:
"Morning and Evening" evening May 9th.
Here it is:

"Come, My beloved, let us go out into the fields...Let Us...See whether the vines have budded. Song of Solomon 7:11-12"
The Bride was about to engage in hard work and desired her beloved's company in it. She does not say, "I will go," but "let us go," In like fashion, it is a blessing to work when Jesus is at our side! It is the business of God's people to be the trimmers of God's vines. Like our first parents, we are put into the garden of the Lord for usefulness; let us then go out into the fields. When God's people are thinking properly, they desire to enjoy communion with Christ. Some may imagine they cannot serve Christ actively and still have fellowship with Him; they are mistaken. There is no doubt that we may easily neglect our inward life in outward exercises and be forced to say, "They made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own my vineyard have I not kept!" There is no reason why this should be the case except for our foolishness and neglect. It is certain that a professing Christian may do nothing and end up just as lifeless in spiritual things as those who are most busy. Mary was not praised for sitting still, but for her sitting at Jesus' feet. Even so, Christians are not to be praised for neglecting duties under the pretense of having secret fellowship with Jesus: It is not sitting, but sitting at Jesus' feet that is commendable. Do not think that activity is in itself an evil: It is a great blessing and a means of grace to us. Paul called it a Grace given to him to be allowed to preach; and every form of Christian service may become a personal blessing to those engaged in it. Those whose have most fellowship with Christ are not recluses or hermits, who have time on their hands, but tireless workers who are toiling for Jesus and who, in their endeavor have Him side by side with them, so that they are workers together with God. Let us remember then, in anything we have to do for Jesus, we can do it and should do it in close communion with HIM.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

This Mother's Day.

This Mother's Day you may not have a mom to celebrate or even want to celebrate. Some of you have lost your mom to the call of death or emotional illness. Some of you may not have been able to forgive each other over past sins and don't even remember what they are.
I would like to encourage you with the lyrics from Britt Nicole's song "Feels Like I've Been Here Before"
Feels like I've been here forever,
Why can't you just intervene?
Do you see the tears keep falling
I'm falling apart at the seams,
You never said the road would be easy
You said you would never leave,
And you never promised that this life isn't hard,
But you promised you'd take care of me,
So I'll stop searching for the answer,
I'll stop praying for an escape,
I'll trust you God with where I am
And believe you will have your way,
Just have your way,
Just have your way,
My friends and my family have left me,
And I feel so ashamed and so cold,
Remind me you take broken things,
And turn them into beautiful,
So I'll stop searching for the answer,
I'll stop praying for an escape,
I'll trust you God with where I am
And believe that you will have your way,
Just have your way,
Just have your way,
Even if my dreams have died,
Eve if I don't survive,
I'll still worship you with all my life,
My life, yeah,
And I'll stop searching for the answers,
I'll stop praying for an escape,
And I'll trust you God with where I am,
And believe that you will have you way,
Just have your way,
Just have your way, yeah
I know you will,
I won't forget,
You love me,
Have your way,

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

When I Heard

When I heard the words from my adoption directors mouth "The Liberian adoption program may have to close" I was okay. I really was, then it hit me---about 4 days later. I didn't know why at the time---I am not real smart sometimes about putting together why I am feeling the way I am with what's going on.
I was angry, frustrated, depressed and in anguish. I have cried every day for a week. I didn't go to church on Sunday or even leave my room. I cannot bear the thought of never being able to parent Lydia and Leo. So there you have it. I do believe that God can and WILL protect, nurture, and care for them whether they are here in our home or in Africa.
I am a logical person---my husband even thinks so for you skeptics out there. I just don't get WHY a government would bow down to organizations to get money and ignore the FACT that their most VALUABLE asset is being destroyed!
Which brings me to another thought, why do people give money to these organizations? You know each time you shop at "Babies R' Us" they donate a portion to "save the children" And what about Unicef? Come on!
My daughter and I were really into a soccer game last night on TV. It was great---UNTIL the goalie walks out with a shirt with the word "UNICEF" plastered all over it! That ruined it for me. It is my belief that no one should give any money to anyone without knowing where it is going. We are all held responsible for how we use God's resources. Yes, we are asking people to pray and to support us financially so that we can get to Liberia this summer to visit Lydia and Leo and to help work on some projects there. You can read more here:
This trip has taken on a whole new meaning for us. While I have longed to meet my children for the first time I never imagined what it would be like to go there knowing I would probably never be able to bring them home someday.
I have come so close to canceling my trip. I have sat down to type out a letter or pick up the phone yet I can't. I am being selfish. It's not about me. This is for them NOT ME! satan will NOT win this battle! Though my heart is no longer in it and I am deeply saddened God WILL restore my JOY. HE WILL!
Oh, and then there is Mother's Day! Oh, Do I stand when they say 2 children? What about 5? Or even 7? If I count my two bio children, three foster children, and Lydia and Leo that's 7. I think I just can't go to church again. Please pray for me!

Friday, April 30, 2010

But God

Dear God,
Please don't make me walk this path. I don't want to face my children only for 8 days then say good-bye, for only you know how long. I can do this, I just don't want too!
Please pray for me. My heart is not in this anymore. I am heartbroken and crushed!

Monday, April 26, 2010

A Precious Letter

I wanted to post this letter from a dear friend, a dear friend whom I have prayed for and cried with. We have never physically met. I first heard of her back in October when my husband and I went to "Together for Adoption" in Nashville. At a restaurant after the last session we met up with some friends to eat. I sat next to my friend Leslie's friend Joy. I told Joy we were adopting from Liberia--two children. That quickly turned into a conversation about her friend Anouk. I started praying for her and her husband that day. Her story is heartbreaking and yet redeeming.
Without further adieu, here is the most precious letter and advice I have ever gotten. I have been loved by God through someone I don't even know.
Thank you!
To read more about Anouk's story click here:


I'm sorry I haven't written earlier than now. My dear friend that I've never met, I wish I could give you a big hug and cry with you. I've been thinking about you and other "Liberian adopting" parents a lot lately. Reading the blogs has broken my heart. I don't even know what to say except to say what you already know: God is in control, even of the Liberian government.

The hard thing is that we both know that God is in control . . . that's not the issue. We also know that God can work miracles beyond what we can imagine . . . that's also not the issue. The issue is that we don't know if He will choose to do miracles in these adoptions . . . or just in our hearts. I'm praying for you. Praying that God would give comfort. Praying that He will guide and uphold you in this "I don't know" time. I can share what He gave me as I struggled with the loss of the boys.

But God, I love them!
"Child, I love them even more. I am a Father to the fatherless."

I had plans for them God!
"I know the plans I have for you/them. Plans for good and not for evil."

But God, now they won't get to hear about you.
"How do you know that? Am I limited to you to have them learn about me? You believe that I can work miracles in the heart of the leaders of the government of Liberia without your help, but not in the heart of these children?"

God, I don't understand, but I KNOW! (that was my mantra . . . I would say that over and over, then would quote scripture of what I did know. i.e. - I don't understand, but I know that You are good, etc)

Dear Ami, I'm sorry for the prolonged struggle you're going through. Reading the multiple blogs has made me thankful for our "early loss," but has made my heart break for all the emotions you all must be going through. Thank you Ami for loving others through this struggle, for your example of love as you foster care. You are a much stronger woman to be going to Liberia to see Leo and Lydia. Knowing the possibility of it not working out would keep me away for everyone's sake.

Ami, I'm hesitant to share this with you because I don't want to seem cold or uncaring. But it is something our pastor shared with us back in the fall which really helped us a lot (even before we officially "lost" them). He reminded us that children are resilient, that God has created them that way. He told us that if he and his wife were to die tomorrow, his 9 year old daughter and 3 year old son would go live with relatives. They would miss their parents a lot, especially at first, but the Lord would given them resilience to adapt to their new situation. He said that the 3 year old would recover more quickly because he had less memories with his parents. He said the 9 year old would have a harder time, but that she also would be OK after time. Then he reminded us that this was the situation with his 2 children (both adopted from birth, by the way) who have been in the home and "attached" to them all these years. He kindly reminded us that the boys in Liberia only had an "idea" of us as their family, that we were much more attached to them than they were to us. God would help them. This was a comfort to me as I had visions of these poor boys being "abandoned" twice and growing bitter . . . I'd forgotten Who was truly in control and Who loved them more than I did.

I know our situation is different than yours. I know that Leo is older and is writing you asking when you're coming. But I also know that should the time come that this comes to an end and you do not get to bring them home, God is still a God of miracles, and the miracle can be in Leo and Lydia's heart as well as in yours. He is in control of the Liberian government and He can take this situation and make it beautiful, even if we don't see it. Leo and Lydia will always know you loved them but that God chose to have the government do what they did.

Ami, as I type this, it all seems so clichéd, but please know that it is out of a heart of love and care. I just wanted to share what God used in our lives to help us. I pray that God would make all things clear to you very soon, or that He gives you and your family an extra, extra measure of grace. And that He works His wonders in the lives of Leo and Lydia.

I love you, my sister. I hope one day we can meet on this earth - but if not, then we will meet in heaven. I am praying for you.


Friday, April 23, 2010

What Next?

When the Israelites got to the Red Sea did they give up and think is was the end of the road? Yes. Have I come to the end of myself and this heartache called "adoption" Yes! Can God still part seas and move mountains? YES! So what am I worried about?
I have emotions. I believe God gave them to me to use appropriately. I am sad-angry-disappointed-in disbelief and a little shocked. I can imagine Joseph sitting in a jail cell in Egypt having the same feelings.
I think I'll take my little sister's advice and get my act together. I am digging my heels in once again. My God is strong. He can work miracles. I will not grow weary in doing good! I WON'T!
I'll be doing a lot of soul searching today and in the coming weeks. I will also be looking upward and outward to how I can keep serving God's people. When you pour out Gods love it comes back.
Like my daughter said to me "Mom, you have to do this. If not you then who?"
Or like my son said to me a few months ago when we were talking about doing foster care he said "Why shouldn't we do it" this was in response to our question to him about how he felt about it.
Steven Curtis Chapman got it right when he sang the song with the words "This is a Great Adventure!"
Boy is it ever!
Please pray for our upcoming trip. Honestly, I dread it now. I get see, hold, and be with my children. The children that Liberia are holding captive. If adoptions are not allowed to go through we do not know what will happen to them. Is it back to the orphanage with lots of other children? Can they stay in foster care and in the school they are in? Will they be street children?
I don't know. I just don't know!
The last letter I got from Leo said "Mom and Dad, I just can't live without you, when will you come to take me home?" How do I explain to him that that may never happen? How do I explain to my little Lydia? I can't see the keyboard---tears are in abundance now. That is not because I am not trusting my God it is because I am sad and that is ok.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Two Years Later-Idol Gives Back

I used to be a big "Idol" fan, as recently as a year ago. I haven't had single moment to watch it this year nor do I know who the contestants are. I did however: turn it on tonight just in time to hear Carrie Underwood say she is donating to an organization that is not on my list of respected ones.
You can read about it here:
Odd, two years ago my husband was dead set against adoption. We had gone the gamut of fertility treatments, paid our dues in that respect. I had worked to earn money to pay for the procedures etc. The whole time I was going through this I had no desire to be pregnant again only to have another child if that makes sense. I wanted to care for the children the church had forgotten---the world had forgotten, my husband, while I wouldn't say he did not want to care was more cautious. I throw caution to the wind when it comes to serving children or adults in need. I have been burned enough to know when to say when and when true help is needed.
Two years ago during "Idol Gives Back" I stormed off to bed saying something like "See. we have room, love, time, etc. We could take in children/people in need. Why can't we adopt?" I was angry! Tonight I am angry all over again.
Two years ago instead of agreeing to adopt my husband and two biological children stayed up and chose to sponsor a little girl from Compassion International. Her name is Westerlineda. We still do not know if she survived the earthquake. We have letters and pictures from her before the quake hit.
As you all know from reading previous posts God did change my husband's heart. We applied to adopt Lydia and Leo from Liberia, West Africa. Here is where it gets TOUGH! I was fine yesterday. Really. Tonight, not so much. you see last night we got the news that adoptions will probably shut down for good. My desire to parent my children will probably never happen. We have poured our hearts into this not to mention thousands of dollars---not just our money but others as well. We are going to Liberia in June. What do I say or not say to my precious children? What can I say? I could say your government says they desire to help you find a permanent home but in reality would rather send you back to an institution! The government of Liberia is not doing a thing to help these children. I am ANGRY. I have hit the roof angry! I will keep praying. I will keep believing. I will keep telling people about Unicef and Save the Children.
In the meantime, I am doing something I said I would never do. I am caring for three foster children. My parents did it when I was younger and I loathed it because it took away from "my" time. Bottom line, I was selfish! So when you say no---God may say "YES" and when you say "yes" God may say "no"
Who knows where I will be in two years. Maybe I will be watching "Idol Gives Back" with 10 more children...In two years a lot can happen!

Casting Pearls Before Swine

Matthew 7:6 (esv)"Do not give dogs what is holy, and do not throw your pearls before pigs,lest they trample them underfoot and turn to attack you"
Adrian and I had a conversation this morning. We both feel like we have been casting pearls before swine. Giving our best and having it trampled on by the Liberian government because they would rather play politics than care for the children of their country. The Liberian government has done nothing to very little to help the most vulnerable of their country. We have been pouring in money, time, effort with little to no avail! I wouldn't say we are discouraged. I would say that if Lydia and Leo cannot come home then Adrian is done with adoption, at least for now. I know my husband and I know his heart. He needs time to process and heal. I can move on with things very quickly--We make a great team. He holds me back and I push him forward.
I wouldn't say I am an optimist or a pessimist, I am a realist. Right now given the current state of affairs adoptions will probably not be processed. I am not despairing. Is that what we as Christians call "The Peace that surpasses ALL understanding?" It must be!
Interestingly enough just past Matthew 7:6 it goes on to say, verse 7 through 11 "Ask and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock and it will be opened to you. for Everyone who asks receives, and the one who seeks finds, and to the one who knocks it will be opened. Or which one of you, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish will give him a serpent? If you then, who are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask him!"
Now, just so we are clear, I am not saying that just because we ask, seek, and knock our children will come home. What I am saying is this. I read my Bible. It is full of desperate situations and God using them to show His power! God may show his power by releasing the children, He may choose to leave them in country. They will make a HUGE impact for Christ wherever they are. Leo loves the Lord. His letters are full of praise for Him.
At any rate we will be visiting Lydia and Leo in June. The Bible commands us to visit orphans. You don't have to go to Africa to do that. We were however; lead by God to care for these two children whom we love very very much. As much as possible as depends on us we will continue to support them and care for them. The Lord, who is ALWAYS faithful has provided the money to care for them through us. What an amazing thing!
For now we will continue to pray for and work with the three "fatherless" children in our home. They are lovely children. There are too many of God's children within 5 miles of our comfortable homes that won't eat today, that won't get a bedtime story or even a bed. They don't know who Jesus is and their parents need our help!
Wake up Church! Now is the time! Are you going to be a goat or a sheep?
Please pray for us as we continue to get ready for our trip in June. It is definitely taking on a whole new meaning for us!
There is so much more I want to say but I am going to copy and paste part of our directors blog here so you will know more about what is going on:

My main concern at this point is to figure out what is the best possible outcome for adoptive families and their children. There comes a point when the adoption process has gone on so long that the opportunity for a child to transition successfully into the adoptive family is at stake. What I am looking at now are two issues:

1. What are the chances that in 1-2 years, these kids will be coming home?
2. What are the chances that if a child is 3-4 years older than when the adoption process started, the family and child will be properly prepared for all of the challenges post adoption?

Since I have dealt with many successful adoptions and unfortunately, interacted with many children or families who have been part of a disrupted adoption from Liberia, I am all too aware that my goal as an adoption coordinator cannot be merely to get a child home. My goal has to be that every family will have a successful adoption and every child will gain a permanent, loving family.

I have talked with all of our adoptive families as well as the leadership for CAS and ACFI. Our plan is to gather more info. on the June trip and make a decision about whether or not the adoption program should continue. Unless, I can return feeling that these children have a strong chance of coming home in the next year or so, we cannot in good conscience continue the program. If it does not continue, we will figure out the best plan for families continuing with long term foster care of their children in Liberia and continue in our efforts to care for orphaned and indigent children who will remain in Liberia.

There are so many emotions involved in what seems to be a straightforward post. If I made room for them here, there wouldn't be enough space to present the information that I know many people want. There will be another day for that...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Katie in Uganda

You have to read this:
Here is an excerpt from Katie's post:
People who know of our situation keep asking "how I'm doing." And here is the truth: each new person in a home throws off the routine all over again. It takes adjusting. When the new family member is a teenager, it often takes some arguing *ahem* discussion. It takes compromise and sacrifice from EVERY family member. But this is also the truth: I am blessed. We have room. Much more than it is challenging, it is fun. What a joy to provide someone in need of love with God's greatest gift. What a privilege to provide Hope with a family, to show her that she is not despisable, but loved unconditionally. Hope teaches me to laugh and to HOPE in the face of unimaginable heartache. Our whole family adores her.
Here is the rest of the post please read it and let it spur you on to ACTION in your own community. What will you do for Christ today?:

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Renewed Hope

I don't know who anonymously donated the ticket for my husband to join me tonight at "Hope in the Dark" but "I want you to know whoever you are that you have renewed our vision and passion for helping orphans in Africa and around the world. We had a wonderful time and have fresh faith to carry God's calling to the ends of the earth. I am now headed upstairs to check in on our three little blessings that joined us a few weeks ago.
Life is so rich and full when you are living for King Jesus and not for yourself.
"He will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do for me.' " ----Matthew 25:45

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Hope in the Dark!

It happens tomorrow folks. "Hope in the Dark" I simply cannot believe we are getting to go! God is so kind to provide us such a wonderful opportunity!
Here is more information:

Hope in the Dark

Thursday, Apr 15 7:00p
at Thompson Boling Arena, Knoxville, TN

Hope In The DARK
an event for orphans & africa
Please join Mike and Beth Hamilton
for an evening to see what God is doing in Africa
through two exciting ministries:
Blood:Water Mission and Show Hope.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
7pm - Thompson Boling Arena
Knoxville, TN
doors open at 6pm
musical performance by
STEVEN Curtis Chapman
Note: You will Not receive a paper ticket for this event. read more

Monday, April 12, 2010

Important meeting

There is an important meeting regarding our adoption (and many others) tomorrow. Please be in prayer over this. The children need God to intervene. He will. We continue to pray in faith God will bring our children home.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Our case worker

Why I really like my case worker and why I am so thankful for his example.
You know most of us as Americans have a million and one excuses as to why we simply cannot do what God calls us to do. I remember back when I was a kid feeling the call to missions and listening to people say "oh don't ever pray God will use you, He might send you to Africa" Really? Hmmmm, He might just send you to your neighbor or a neighborhood down the street that everyone has forgotten about or is too afraid to go to.
Let me tell you about my case worker. He is a wonderful guy that is dedicated to helping the children of Tennessee! He works and works. He knows his job will never be done until Jesus returns but that does not stop him. He carries FOUR cell phones at one time! He is always there to answer my hundreds of questions and is very patient with me. I had (have) a big learning curve. He loves the children he serves and he loves Jesus!
Here is one more thing that would probably surprise you about my case worker, he is a quadriplegic. Yup! That does not stop him from serving the Lord and the children. He requires a wheel-chair---and help with pretty much everything. But you know what? He's doing it! Wow! If that does not inspire you I don't know what will. So really, what is your excuse? Has God called you into the neighborhoods of your city that need Jesus. Has he called you to "know" your neighbor? Do you even know your neighbors name? There are a lot of scriptures about serving and loving your neighbor in the Bible. I'll let you take the time to look them up. It'll be fun! I promise. So GO! Introduce yourself to your neighbor. Take it a step further and bring them cookies, dinner, or even a bouquet of flowers from your yard. You will be blessed as you bless others.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Child Abuse prevention month

Here is a story that is very similar to every other story I hear. Please read it and pass it on. Then think and pray about ways you can help. Become a mentor to a child or adult who needs help. Be a foster parent. These children aren't a lost cause they are children. They aren't scary. They are "Children" They need you!
You can contact Child Help for more information on how to get involved.

Monday, April 5, 2010

This month

April is "Child Abuse Prevention" month. You can help by becoming a foster parent or by getting involved in other ways.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Lessons I have learned in only one short week

Lesson number one: It's okay to think that you are gonna fold that mountain of laundry on your bed by midnight.
Lesson number two: it's also okay to shove it all off onto the floor along with the piles of laundry from previous days you haven't gotten to yet...
#3 Sleep is way overrated!
#4 I have the BEST husband in the world!
#5 three and four year olds like hot sauce!
#6 That true friends are just that, true friends. The one that stops by because she can't get me on the phone or by email and sits on a dirty floor to play with my kids...And the one who has a house full (9) of her own that goes yard saling and craft shopping for me, the one that unexpectedly shows up to bring me dinner----A Real dinner, with real food!!!!!, and the one with a little one and two older ones that takes the time to tell me she's praying for me and means it! The neighbor that drops by to bring much needed supplies, the husband of a friend that comes by to help put together beds, the lady I have only ever met via email that came by to loan me a stroller and the list of true friends goes on!
#7 that there is no volume control on these wonderful children that God has placed in our home. It's LOUD or Louder!
#8----Sometimes you just can't finish a blog post....What's that I hear? I better RUN!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

foster care and more...

Quick update: We are so thankful for all the prayers we have received! We still have many practical things we need help with. We have had to buy beds, mattresses, sheets, blankets, toothbrushes, all sorts of toiletries, two car seats, the list goes on. We bought these items on a wing and a prayer not even beginning to know how we were gonna pay for them. We are excited to see how God does provide.
On the other hand I haven't had time to get organized. So if you live close by and have some time on your hands I would love to have some help. I had started spring cleaning our closet on Monday and figured I'd have at least two weeks to get everything in order before the call. So much for that. The boys require a Lot of attention and I am doing good to keep them safe and in my sight throughout the day...So needless to say, help would be good right about now.
We are blessed beyond measure to be a part of caring for God's children.
It just struck me in an odd way that I named this blog "Just three more" when I was thinking we were going to be adopting three more children when in fact we are adopting two children and fostering "Three"
Thanks God---We love you! It was so sweet to hear the three year old sing "Jesus Loves Me" at dinner and for them to pray! Our foster daughter is amazing! She and Rachel have hit it off and have become fast friends!
Good-night, I'll be up for a while. Hope everyone sleeps well.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our first placement

What a WILD and CRAZY day! So we get a call and within two hours I am running to stores trying to get beds, mattresses, sheets,blankets etc. Now Adrian is going back to the store to buy car seats, tooth brushes, etc. We are sure leaning on the Lord heavily to provide for what we bought today!
I am clinging to Proverbs 3:5 and 6.
Please pray for the 3 little ones we took in. They are precious. They have lots of energy. "Wish I did" :)
I am so thankful and humbled that God would use our family in this small way.
What a Joy to serve God's children!
I'll update more later---for now I need to figure out where I am sleeping tonight...Everything is piled up in our bedroom! We started spring cleaning two days ago so the contents of our closet along with many other things are on our bed and floor. "yawn" it's off to work I go...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Another Answered Prayer!

We are going! Thank you to whoever it was that bought my husband a ticket to the event "Hope in the Dark! May God richly BLESS you in all things!
It's a special event featuring two ministries working in Africa and a special musical performance by Steven Curtis Chapman!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Word of God Speak...

"Come to me for understanding, since I know you far better than you know yourself. I comprehend you in all your complexity; no detail of your life is hidden from Me. I view you through eyes of grace, so don't be afraid of My intimate awareness. Allow the Light of My healing Presence to shine into the deepest recesses of your being - cleansing, healing, refreshing, and renewing you. Trust Me enough to accept the full forgiveness that I offer you continually. This great gift, which cost Me my life, is yours for all eternity. Forgiveness is at the very core of My abiding Presence, I will never leave you or forsake you.

When no one else seems to understand you, simply draw closer to Me. Rejoice in the One who understands you completely and loves you perfectly. As I fill you with My Love, you become a reservoir of love, overflowing into the lives of other people." --Psalm 139:1-4, 2 Corinithians 1:21-22, Joshua 1:5

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Our first Liberia "Groupies" meeting!

Romans 12:11-13 "NEVER be lacking in Zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. (12) be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer, (13) Share with God's people who are in need. Practice Hospitality"
As you may know by now we are headed to Liberia the 17th of June to serve alongside the local churches and ministries.
Awe! What a JOY and privilege it is to be a part of something so much bigger than anything I could have imagined or hoped for. We had our first "meeting" last night. It took place via conference call since we are all so scattered about. Some in Minnesota, most in Charlotte NC, one just outside of Asheville, NC and us in Knoxville TN. Do you see? God is pulling people together from all walks of life and different locations to serve His people in Liberia! You wanna know one of the MANY CRAZY parts of this? One of the team members knows my first Sunday School teachers! I was 12 and went to VBS for the first time then eventually started attending this church. I happened to start mentioning different people in her part of the "world" and she knew them! Our paths are crossing with the same people! Weird? NO! God? YES!
I also found out that another couple going on this trip has met our children in Liberia. They sent us additional pictures and even have a videoed of our daughter dancing!
I love my God. thank you Jesus for allowing us to be one small part of what you are doing.
Keep us in your prayers as we seek to serve the Lord in this area. We NEED those prayers!

Friday, March 12, 2010

A Geek for God

Okay so I cannot take credit for this, but I would love for you to read our friend and fearless leaders post. She captures something here with her words below. Adrian and I get lots of weird looks and comments. Oh well. The post below refers to a guy dancing on youtube. I have posted the link at the bottom of this page.
Here are Angel's words in blue:

"Most of the time I feel like that first guy dancing, passionately but completely awkward. It’s a relief to have several dancing partners. At this point, we look like a tiny group of geeks with muscle spasms but someday…someday, people will be running to join us. You wanna dance?"

This trip is more than a one week mission trip to Africa. It's an invitation to join the dance I believe God is tickled to watch unfold.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

adoption update and foster care

Yes, we are still in the process of adopting Lydia and Leo. Things are once again moving along at a snails pace but hey, they're moving! YES, we (Rachel, Adrian, and I) are going to Liberia in June for ten days! YES, we will meet our children. I can't wait to see them and hold them.
I simply cannot believe that the Lord would allow us to be a part of what He is doing in another part of the world. I am amazed and honored! More details later but please pray now!

And finally YES we are taking in foster children. We are in need of beds, two twin bunk-beds and four mattresses. Please if anyone has bunk-beds or mattresses or money to donate toward them let us know. Help us help the children of Tennessee!
You can find more information about becoming a foster parent by going here
Or contact Child Help at 865-579-5498 to find out what you can do. Christians, this isn't a problem for the government! These are children. They are children that are made in the image of God, eternal souls that need hope, love, and a future. YOU can help break the cycle so many of these children and their families are living in.
It's your call. What are you going to do, sit "uncomfortably" on the sidelines or jump in and be Jesus to these children in need. It's your choice.

Monday, March 8, 2010

We're going!

We have heard the call and are going! We leave June 17th for Liberia. It is a 10 day trip and we will be back in Knoxville on the 26th of June. We get to serve alongside other Christians to help build, encourage, and equip! Wow!
And YES! you guessed it! We get to be with Lydia and Leo and see Musu!
More details as we have time to write about it!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Too Funny

So Adrian sends me yet ANOTHER blog post to read---Like I have time right? Well, you just have to read it. I can't tell you how often we have been given the same speeches by well meaning people. Oh how it must grieve the Father's heart. One thing that we will try to do differently for college is no loans. Our opinions differ a little there. But we still have no idea how our kids will pay for it???? Who cares? Really? God knows. He ALWAYS accomplishes his plans, Right? Right!
So here you go. For your reading pleasure.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Here is the full story (sort of) and why I have been so desperate for people to pray. Now that it is "out there" please click on this link and continue to help us FIGHT this battle. We are weary, tired, and heartbroken on numerous levels for varying reasons!
How long will you tarry oh Lord My God? How long? we cry out to you for justice. Come Holy Spirit and do what you do best. Please work a miracle in the lives of the orphaned, the innocent, the victims--- the defenseless of this world.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Thankful and Heartbroken!

I just came across this. I hope you will click on the link and read and then pray. I promise it won't take but a couple of minutes. These Haitian orphans need your prayers!
Read the post entitled " Where our Kids are Staying"
Then pay particular attention to this sentence:
And...all of our children could be in their parent's arms right now. This is truly unbelievable.

Thank you "Save the Children" and Unicef...Great Job! (sarcasm) Please pray. We have to get the orphans taken care of and in homes. They deserve nothing less.

I am thankful the Lord allowed us to be able to care for Lydia and Leo. What a different situation in Haiti. We still do not know about our sponsored child Westerlineda. We sponsor her through Compassion international. She lives in Haiti as well...

Our complacency as American Christians MUST end. You can PRAY! Do It!!!!!!

Sunday, February 21, 2010


Please go here
Click on the video "Haiti's Orphans Held Hostage" and watch. We have been trying to get the word out about Unicef, The United Nations, and Save the Children---which by the way is supported by "Babies r us" (don't shop there...) They are not "saving children"
The same thing is going on in Liberia. We can pray. But we need to be angry too! It just isn't right! It isn't. Where are Gods' people???? Do you care? What are YOU going to do?

Friday, February 19, 2010

pray today

If you came here today to read the latest on our adoption please read the last two posts. If you just happened along please pray extra hard today. I cannot go into details but right now is when we need our prayer warriors surrounding Liberian adoptions with Prayer that God will prevail!
Thank you!

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Driving Through a Blizzard.

Many of you reading this right now were praying for us on Wednesday the 10th. It was a BIG day for us. We traveled to Charlotte, NC. to meet with our adoption coordinator stateside and the coordinator from Liberia. I won't waste words here telling you why, since the last post explains it.
The five hour drive there was uneventful. When we arrived at Christian Adoption Services I (Ami), was a little overwhelmed. I was going to meet one of the people I admire more than anyone else in the world. As the director was taking us on a tour of the offices I saw Angel (our stateside coordinator) out of the corner of my eye along with Georgia George walking through the parking lot. I was a little star-struck. Let me tell you; Angel has been on the front lines fighting for the children of Liberia for a long time. It would be "easy" for her to walk away from the calling the Lord has put on her life...But she continues to fight in spite of many frustrations and heartaches. She fights the fight of faith daily. Oh and that was sarcasm when I said it would be easy for Angel to just "walk away". No more easy for her than for Jonah who ended up in the belly of a whale doing exactly what God had planned to begin with.
On to the meeting. It started with Angel praying and really beseeching the Lord.
We received a report from Georgia on the children and oh how wonderful to hear how well they are doing. We asked about the possibility of Vivian, our children's foster mom adopting them---all the questions we had.
After an hour and a half our meeting needed to end.
Wow. We cried, we laughed, we were in the presence of the Lord.
After the meeting Adrian and I knew---we just knew the answer. I can't explain it.
We went out to eat and hung out at the mall near where Adrian did his internship after college. A short trip down memory lane and then we began our journey home. What was supposed to be a five hour journey took seven, YES seven hours! We were driving along and it started to snow then it started to really snow. We were coming up the mountain near Wolf Laurel ski resort and all of a sudden no road---Yes we were driving on a road but could not see the road! I tried calling our children but alas, no one answered so I called my tried and true prayer-warrior friend Ann. I explained the situation and she grabbed the two ladies she was with and they prayed us through this blizzard.
I don't know that we would have made it without those prayers, driving a mini-van with bad tires on a road like that! What was even more unbelievable was that the ONLY time I had cell service during that storm was during that phone call!
We wanted to stop and pull over for the night. There was nowhere to pull over. We simply had to keep going. We eventually came safely up and over the mountain and began to be able to see the lines on the road consistently and then the storm was gone. We made it safely home.
So just as the Lord, faith, and those prayers carried Adrian and I safely through that blizzard we have decided to keep walking this walk of faith called adoption. It may not look anything like what we once thought it would. It may not end or begin the way we would like---But as Adrian loves to quote our dear friend Dave, "It's not about us now, is it?"
It is not about how much we want to be the ones to tuck in our children at night or how mad it makes us feel that we can't bring them home right now or that we simply cannot understand WHY the Lord led us to these children, seemingly to adopt them and then adoptions were shut down "temporarily" making it a longer wait. Doesn't seem fair now does it? We suffer. We question. We have doubts. But here is what we do know---God is still God. He has called EVERY child of His to care for orphans and widows. He has called us to walk a walk of faith---Like the Israelites in the desert. He has called Adrian and I to care for Lydia and Leo. Out of all the orphans in the world, the God of the universe put these two in our lives. Their lives would be so different if we were not able to care for them the way the Lord has made possible. By allowing us to support them he has given them hope and a new life. So we continue to walk this walk. We know the Lord will bring them home in His timing. In the mean time we pray and we beg and we seek. And we continue to ask for others to stand alongside us to pray them home. We need battle buddies. So just like driving through that blizzard and feeling the prayers of our faithful friends, we will continue to "Drive through this blizzard" A wonderful high calling of caring for orphans. One day at a time and sometimes one moment at a time.
I cling to this Psalm today (Psalm 127) especially Verse 1 (a) "Except the LORD builds the house, they labor in vain who build it..."

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Update and more details

Recently I sent in a very vague request to our church's prayer team for prayer. Many people have asked for a more detailed update on where we are in the process of adoption and what we need prayer for. Thank You! I am going to attempt that answer now.
It is a hard question to answer, because I don't think anyone really knows.
If you can track with me for a little bit this may be a long post but I will at least attempt to answer that question of where we are in this process.
To do that, I will have to go back to the beginning. In October of 2008 we decided to pursue adoption. God led us to two children (siblings, age 4 and 8) in Liberia, West Africa. Most of you know that story, so in the interest of keeping this post as short as possible I'll leave out how we were led to them.
In January of 2009 we had completed all of our paperwork and our dossier was headed to Liberia. Also, that same month the President of Liberia shut down adoptions. She said it was because she wanted to "protect" the children of her country---I'll leave off my opinions at this point except to say I think she thinks she is doing the right thing.
Fast forward to October of 2009: we have a Liberian student come live with us for two months while she studies at UT and works with the World Cocoa Foundation. She is amazing! She quickly became part of our family.
When she went back to Liberia she made an appointment to go and see our children to take back a soccer ball for our son and a doll for our daughter. She sent us picture of them with their foster mom. The children and the foster mom all looked so happy together! Our Liberian student wanted to see how they were really doing, so she just showed up one day out of the blue to check on them and both of our children ran out of the house yelling "our sister is here" How cute! She said that the children are very happy and being well cared for.
Which leads to our dilemma. We know that disruptions in a child's family life can be life changing and not always the best thing.
They were dropped off at an orphanage in August of 2008. I have no idea if their family member(s) told them what was happening. I have been told the family cannot care for them and they very much desire them to be adopted. That's all we know.
Well, after several months of adoptions being being on hold, our adoption agency gave us the opportunity to get our children out of the orphanage and into a foster home in Liberia. They hand selected the lady that is parenting them now. They chose her because she is active in her local church and a strong Christian.
We want very much for our children to come home to us and we would do anything short of breaking the law to get them here with us. We have so many plans and dreams for them just like when you are expecting a baby. We have designed their rooms in our heads and imagine going to soccer practice with our son and having tea parties with our daughter.
Which brings me to my next point. We LOVE them so much that we are wondering if taking them out of their current loving foster home will be the very best for them? We do not want to disrupt a good thing IF it is the best thing for them to remain there.
It is complicated: Keep Reading please.
Right now some children from Liberia whose adoptions had court decrees "Before" the moratorium are getting to come home. We did not have a court decree. We were ever so close though. There is a Child Act bill awaiting approval there is one sentence that may make it difficult if not impossible to bring our children home under the new law. We were told that perhaps in March we may know if they are going to be adoptable under the new rule. They were adoptable when we received their referral a year and a half ago but this new bill may make them unadoptable so we are looking at some different options and scenarios. Since our children seem to be doing very well in their foster home we are considering the option of asking the foster mom if she would want to adopt them if that is even possible and if we still deem it the very best thing for them after we meet with the director from Liberia and our coordinator in the Charlotte NC area on February 10th. There is still a possibility that civil war could break out again in their country so there is also the issue of, if the foster mom is willing to adopt our children, would it be the safest and best thing to do?
So as you see we are up against a struggle.

We covet your prayers as we seek God's will in all of this. In addition to pursuing this adoption we are also currently taking classes to become certified foster parents. We do not know if God is calling us to foster care but as Adrian puts it "We are taking the steps to become certified so that we can better server others who have questions and who want to know how to get started" We also want to position ourselves to be used by God however he deems fit.
So that is our situation. Please pray for us and the upcoming meeting February 10th from 12-1:30.
Thank you,

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Our Hope

I just got off the phone with a dear "family" member in Liberia. It was so good to hear her voice and to know she is well. She loves the Lord and trusts Him. Sometimes it is hard for me to know why, after everything she has been through, she still loves and trusts Him. I could never fully understand how---except that she has a wonderful gift. The gift of Faith in a Holy God that loves her and cares for her in spite of difficult circumstances. I like to think I would have that kind of faith but lately I have lacked even hope. Shame on me! God has ALWAYS been faithful to His children and I am His daughter. He will be faithful to me as well.
My heart is full and rejoicing right now along with being saddened by her absence, I know God has a plan to reunite us one day!
She has been able to visit the two children we are adopting. They run to her and call her "sister". Lydia sang her a song. I couldn't quite understand what the title was but I think it was something like "Your delay is not your denier"
So as of today I will try to have faith again---where is that mustard seed? Got it! I will ask God to allow our children to come home or for the ability to go to Liberia to visit. After-all it's only money we need to get there and what is that to our God?
Our hope is in you Lord!

Friday, January 1, 2010

This year?

Do I dare hope that this be the year that our children come home? Faith, so simple, yet so hard!