Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ending or Beginning?

Tough question, is this an "ending" or a "beginning"? Can you have one without the other? I am going to say no. Yesterday was our families new beginning. We are starting over from scratch. I don't know what to make of this past year. It had its challenges, heartaches, set-backs, losses. It also had its healing times and "light bulb moments"
We have done a lot of questioning. We have gotten a lot of answers. Some of the answers we do not like. Some questions we still don't know the answer to but hope and pray in faith that we will know soon. God is opening doors only He can. We walk through them following Him. Yes, we got off course for a little while----but we are back where we need to be, at least for now. We we will think about today. God will give us our daily manna.
Last night was our first dinner at home as a family of three now. It was so different, yet, very nice. Our daughter talked and laughed. She told us all about a particular discussion they had had at school that day. She talked. That's huge. She is a listener. A very good one. She has a gift and it isn't of gab. Some people just think she is shy or even stuck up. She isn't. She simply takes life in, thinks about it and moves on. I am thankful for her gift.
Better go. Dear daughter wants me to read to her...So fun!

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