Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Our first placement

What a WILD and CRAZY day! So we get a call and within two hours I am running to stores trying to get beds, mattresses, sheets,blankets etc. Now Adrian is going back to the store to buy car seats, tooth brushes, etc. We are sure leaning on the Lord heavily to provide for what we bought today!
I am clinging to Proverbs 3:5 and 6.
Please pray for the 3 little ones we took in. They are precious. They have lots of energy. "Wish I did" :)
I am so thankful and humbled that God would use our family in this small way.
What a Joy to serve God's children!
I'll update more later---for now I need to figure out where I am sleeping tonight...Everything is piled up in our bedroom! We started spring cleaning two days ago so the contents of our closet along with many other things are on our bed and floor. "yawn" it's off to work I go...


Kyle said...

Glad for you! Glad for them too. They've got wonderful caretakers and I hope to see them on Sunday.


Ami Carr said...

Thanks Kyle! I appreciate it! Please keep praying for us!