Friday, April 16, 2010

Katie in Uganda

You have to read this:
Here is an excerpt from Katie's post:
People who know of our situation keep asking "how I'm doing." And here is the truth: each new person in a home throws off the routine all over again. It takes adjusting. When the new family member is a teenager, it often takes some arguing *ahem* discussion. It takes compromise and sacrifice from EVERY family member. But this is also the truth: I am blessed. We have room. Much more than it is challenging, it is fun. What a joy to provide someone in need of love with God's greatest gift. What a privilege to provide Hope with a family, to show her that she is not despisable, but loved unconditionally. Hope teaches me to laugh and to HOPE in the face of unimaginable heartache. Our whole family adores her.
Here is the rest of the post please read it and let it spur you on to ACTION in your own community. What will you do for Christ today?:

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