Tuesday, October 26, 2010

On again. Off again.

I am rejoicing with friends and grieving at the same time. How is this possible? I am grateful for what the Lord is doing in others lives. I have prayed for "such a time as this" For myself, I do not see the end/beginning so clearly.
I'll keep holding on---but honestly, today, I want to get off this roller coaster we call life and just be.
I am thankful to our Savior that doesn't leave me where I am but keeps pushing me. I am sure not pushing myself. These days are so full of longing...

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Waiting used to be the hardest thing for me. Guess what? Not anymore. I am choosing to enjoy it and it's actually working!
While I am waiting in Knoxville Tenn. It's a great way to stay occupied and creative. I love to create something out of nothing.
I will give more details about the show later on but mark November 6th on your calendars. You won't want to miss it! Proceeds from my sales go to our children in Liberia.
I will be running specials for those of you who read my blog or who email me and say they can't make the show but want to place an order.
Better get back to creating!
Thanks for reading and please help us pray our children home!
God Bless YOU!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Ending or Beginning?

Tough question, is this an "ending" or a "beginning"? Can you have one without the other? I am going to say no. Yesterday was our families new beginning. We are starting over from scratch. I don't know what to make of this past year. It had its challenges, heartaches, set-backs, losses. It also had its healing times and "light bulb moments"
We have done a lot of questioning. We have gotten a lot of answers. Some of the answers we do not like. Some questions we still don't know the answer to but hope and pray in faith that we will know soon. God is opening doors only He can. We walk through them following Him. Yes, we got off course for a little while----but we are back where we need to be, at least for now. We we will think about today. God will give us our daily manna.
Last night was our first dinner at home as a family of three now. It was so different, yet, very nice. Our daughter talked and laughed. She told us all about a particular discussion they had had at school that day. She talked. That's huge. She is a listener. A very good one. She has a gift and it isn't of gab. Some people just think she is shy or even stuck up. She isn't. She simply takes life in, thinks about it and moves on. I am thankful for her gift.
Better go. Dear daughter wants me to read to her...So fun!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

All At Once (one more time)

Sorry if this is a repeat for some of you. It was supposed to go live last night at midnight. It ended up being posted as the second post down...So, I am re-posting it.Please continue to pray. My foster daughter called last night begging me to come and bring her "home" back to us. The word "pain" cannot begin to describe this feeling.
What is written below was written Saturday.

How can it be possible to be happy and sad, mournful, regretful, and full of hope all at one time? Emotions, I know they are a "gift" from God. Some would say don't trust them. Aren't we ONLY supposed to trust God? Yes. But didn't HE create me with these emotions. Yup! Having a very hard time right now but trying to have faith. I am afraid of the next thing. The next phase. I don't know what that is. I used to say "I always get what I want" Now I say "whatever will be will be"
Isn't that the truth?
It's getting down to the wire. Just the three of us. How can that be?
I guess I am feeling a little melancholy after watching "Toy Story Three" today with my four children and hubby. I was missing my "college boy" and remembering the Buzz Light Year and Woody he played and played with. He couldn't say "Buzz Light-year" when we went to the Disney parade when he was five. He saw "Buzz Light Year" and he started screaming: "Buzz Year Light" over and over again! I won't give the movie away. To say I cried through the whole thing would be lieing, I balled. Yah, the kind of gut wrenching sobs that only a mom can know...Oh How I Miss those days. They were hard but I would give my life to have one day back with Johnny and Rachel. Just the three of us. Together again, just one more time. To tuck my son in bed, pray with him. Hug and kiss him, tell him good-night. It is not to be. He's 19. It all goes too fast, We have two children waiting to come home to us. I pray with all my heart they will get to come home to be with us, their mom and dad. I know God put us in their life. I long to hold them, laugh and cry with them. Until then we will enjoy Rachel and the others in our life.
My two biological children and I just watched Adrian pull out of the driveway with our foster children. They are moving to a new home tonight. My heart is ripping, yet I know this is what was supposed to happen. I am trusting the Lord with ALL of this. He is so Kind and Faithful.
ps Funny how life is. I found my sons' Woody doll today as I was cleaning up my room. I dusted him off and now he has prominent place in my room.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Getting closer

I am so thankful for friends. Real ones. The kind that come out of the wood-work when your suffering not the ones who run away because it is too difficult to handle their problems and someone elses all at the same time. Yesterday I was ministered too by three lovely ladies at church---four if you count the brief moment a friend I haven't seen in a while hugged me. And maybe even 5 if you count the phone conversation last night. I am all too good at moping around and feeling sorry for myself. I am also very good at getting myself into situations where I am going to "save the world!" Oh yah, wait, that's God's job. Position Filled! So glad!
I don't like good-byes or "see ya laters" I am strugglin between being full of hope and scared to death over the next two days. My heart is heavy. But, when I sit quietly before the Lord I have peace. I know the path we are taking is the right one. We lost our way and God came down and turned on the flashlight. Hallelujah!

Until Wednesday (major update)

Thursday, October 7, 2010


Just read our updated Home-Study. Who knows, maybe it will be put in the mail tomorrow?
Keep praying. God is so kind!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Plugging Away

Still plugging away at what God is leading us to do. It's hard, exciting, heartbreaking and peaceful---All of the above and then some. Please keep praying for us---for the children in our home and for the children that we want to come into our home.
Ami and Adrian

Saturday, October 2, 2010


Received confirmation today that our I600A is where it needs to be!
Keep praying our babies home!

Friday, October 1, 2010


Now we are waiting on the home-study to be mailed. It'll happen this week or next! Hooray! Come on U.S. Government!