Saturday, November 14, 2009

Update on adoptions in Liberia

We haven't had much to say in the way of updates lately. We are still firmly committed to caring for Lydia and Leo. If that involves bringing them home to America that would be wonderful. If it does not then, hey God knows best! We are still going to support them as best we can.
There has been movement on the adoption issue in Liberia. In the last two days there was a symposium on the rights of the child hosted at the Executive Mansion in Liberia. A lot of work went into this event. We are hoping and praying that good will come of this and that the children of Liberia will gain the right to be cared for by adoptive parents.
Here is an article about the symposium.
I will post more soon I promise.
The government of Liberia has also said that they will begin processing adoptions that had court decrees before the moratorium began. They have not begun action on this yet. Please pray that this will take place soon. This is a battle. It will be won with much prayer. God's purposes ALWAYS prevail!

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