Sunday, October 4, 2009


We just got back from "Together for Adoption" in Nashville TN. Wow! It was beyond words! There are just simply too many things to blog about at one time so I will start with how the Holy Spirit moved the first night for me personally. As you know from my previous post I was almost dreading this conference. Waiting for my children is at best Hard! I was trying to steel myself against having sad emotions. Well, that lasted all of 2 seconds! Ha ha!
Friday night a group of women sat behind us. They were quite talkative both during worship and the session. I started to get annoyed but then began to pray for them. I was jealous for them to hear what the speaker was saying so I tried not to be annoyed with them and just asked the Lord to bless them. Adrian told me later he was doing the same thing.
Fast forward to Saturday. I was at a booth that was selling hand made beaded necklaces made by women in Uganda and various tee shirts about adoption. Then I saw Katie's picture! She is a young girl serving in Uganda. I follow her blog and pray for her everyday! One of the ladies at the table came over to talk with me and she said they were raising money for Katie's work. Then another lady came up to me (working the same table) and said "Don't leave until I have a chance to talk with you." I said ok wondering what she could possibly have to say to me.
Okay this is where it gets so COOL. After some time this lady came over to me and said something like "we were sitting behind you last night and I wanted to let you know I was praying for you. I don't know why you are here, if your'e adopting, waiting on children to come home, etc. But I could tell you were having a hard time." She just wanted to let me know that we were in this together.
Then I realize who I was surrounded by! These are the ladies I was sitting in front of praying for the previous night. They are also Katie's friends. Working tirelessly on behalf of the poor in Uganda! How very cool is that? God allowed me to meet the people I read about online,to interact with them, to pray for them, and to be prayed for by them!!!!!

We got home last night at mid-night. As I laid down in my bed physically and mentally exhausted the Lord prompted me to open up to Psalm 82 (amplified version)
1GOD STANDS in the assembly of the representatives of God; in the midst of the judges He gives judgment as among the gods.

2How long will you judges judge unjustly and show partiality to the wicked? Calmly think of that!

3Do justice to the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the afflicted and needy.

4Deliver the poor and needy; rescue them out of the hand of the wicked.

5The judges know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in the darkness of complacent satisfaction; all the foundations of the earth the fundamental principles upon which rests the administration of justice are shaking.

6I said, You are gods since you judge on My behalf, as My representatives; indeed, all of you are children of the Most High.

7But you shall die as men and fall as one of the princes.

8Arise, O God, judge the earth! For to You belong all the nations.

I felt the Lord saying to me personally that he is in control, that He will make things right. He will fight for the orphans of Liberia. He is their father.
Until the moratorium is lifted this Psalm will be my battle cry!
Please join me in this fight. Will you pray right now for children that were matched with families before the moratorium to be freed so that they may come home? Will you pray for the poor and defenseless in Liberia and elsewhere? Pray that God will work on the hearts of the judges and officials in Liberia.
Thank you
ps Click on the link to the right for Amazima to read all about Katie and her work. You will be challenged and encouraged. I promise!

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