Dear Friend:
God is on the move in Liberia.
Come join the nation in celebration! We are putting GOD on display & showing HIM for who He is. We will be declaring HIS glory throughout Liberia, and amongst the nations of the world. GOD’s Family is coming together for 3 Days & 3 Nights - At the SKD Sports Complex in Liberia.
You are invited to the “HOW BIG IS GOD” WACSN Praise Crusade at the SKD Stadium in Monrovia, Liberia on March 27, 28 & 29. If it is not possible for you to attend, please consider being a blessing by sponsoring one or more seats for others in Liberia wishing to attend. The Lord said in his word, if His (Liberian) people who are called by His Name humble themselves, and pray and seek His face and turn from their wicked ways, He will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sins and heal their land.
We Are Expecting the LORD to Inhabit the Praises of HIS people, and to show HIMSELF strong by Renewing, Refreshing, and Restoring all who come with a genuine desire to be touched by GOD for HIS glory alone. The Liberian people are desperately in need of a new direction that is God centered.
Tickets for the Crusade are being sold for $10.00 on eBay at the link below. Watch the video and if you are led or touched to do something to help change this nation, please support our efforts in this Praise Crusade. I humbly ask that you forward this link and message to your friends and family and pray for the seats you buy, that God will move in a mighty way in the life of each person that sits in your purchased seat.
Under His Wings and in His Love
Maria Luyken
WACSN Praise Crusade